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OFA Hips: VZ-17743G27M-C-VPI
OFA Elbows: VZ-EL4286M24-P-VPI
OFA Thyroid: VZ-TH2706/24M-VPI
CERF: Normal, 2023
OFA Basic Cardiac: VZ-BCA391/24M/P-VPI
PennHip: .25/.32
Long-hair carrier
CHIC# 184732
CH Rhapsody All Bets Are Off, JH NAVHDA NA prize II
Sire: BIS BISS Am/Can CH Dirigo Gambler's Marker, ROM HOF
Dam: MBISS GCHS Rhapsody Writing's On the Wall, SH NAJ RN CA DJ TDI TKN ROM
DOB: February 22, 2021
Bred by: Michelle Porfido-DeLucia, Jonathan DeLucia, & Genine Enoksen
Spinner was destined to do great things from the day he met his mom at 7 weeks during a puppy field trip, when he retrieved a quail and brought it right to her hand, tail wagging. Hailey, who had never touched a bird previously, started smiling ear to ear and exclaimed "well, I guess I'm buying bird dog clothes and going hunting!" Since then, Spin and Hailey have become an amazing team, and have entered the world of NAVHDA and AKC Hunt Tests! Spinner is now green broke and getting read to run his Senior Hunter tests in the spring of 2023.
Spin finished his championship relatively quickly, picking up the last needed major with me, and then picking up 13 points towards his GCH!
Aside from his good looks and natural ability, Spin is the essence of the vizsla temperament I breed for.. he is smart, biddable, hilarious, and full of love for life. He has never met a stranger, and loves all dogs and people. It brings such a huge smile to my face when his owners send me videos and photos of him being a ham, and seeing how much joy he brings to them and all those that he meets.
Spinner's Parents:
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